Friday, March 28, 2008


The kids have really been enjoying JP reading poems to them (he has a book of "man poems" as I call them... battles, classics, on fatherhood, etc.). I'm glad we have some children's books from when I grew up (I did weed many of them out for content or age appropriateness), but good wholesome books are far and few, it seems. We have some favorites around here, and funny enough, they're all from 25 to 50 or more years ago! There's a set called the Children's Hour that was given to me, but no value was ever put on it except, "Keep these, you'll want these someday," but that was Mom's sentence for too much I didn't really want to keep. So, we got rid of the set of 16 volumes! Published in 1954 or so. Well, for about a year I've been really aching about it, regretting about it on the insides, since we saw the set (brand new, mind you) being sold on a really good Christian family resource website for $550! We looked on Ebay this week and found two sets being sold, we got one for $22! Wow! We should get them next week. One volume is "Poems", another "Science Fiction" and so on.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Wow, what a month. I'm doing well, this week was crazy. Catching up on housework. I lean on the low blood sugar end of the spectrum anyway, and pregnancy has me eating even more frequently than I did before, and if my blood sugar's off, I'm not much good because I can't concentrate or think straight. Yesterday I spent two hours after the kids were down leveling it out, and I only had 20 minutes to myself in which I was "sane" until they got up! Wow. I eat (or plan to eat) and entertain children, think and clean when I can. *Ha* I am so thankful I'm not sick, though.

Liam got a new bed, it's a loft bed so he's loving it! So we have Adelle in his old toddler bed, now she has a big girl bed! Wow. She's also doing well w/potty training, well enough to go w/o a diaper around the house. So last night we put the crib away and rearranged their room, wow, two big kid's beds, no baby stuff. This week I also got a double stroller, a sit and stand *Horray!* It's been on my "list" for 1 1/2 years, and worth the wait! Liam loves it, he has a jumpseat. It has tons of storage room, too. It's heavy duty compared to a lot of strollers of it's type, and clean, modern, and sporty (I'm not a plaid w/teddy bears kind of person).

Gonna go start today, we're all up now. Blessings!