Well, yesterday we went in for an ultrasound, and this baby is probably a girl! We're calling her Eva, meaning bearer of good news. Going through a list of names I'd written, this name stuck w/both JP and me!
Due date is Oct. 6, we went in because Eva seemingly hasn't grown for three weeks, I haven't been gaining weight, and my tummy isn't growing. Her heart rate was up yesterday, too, though she was moving a LOT. The ultrasound went great, the technition sees no reason for concern. We're guessing she's just a smaller, excitable baby! She may also be adjusting her positioning, more down and back than out. Ultrasound estimates her at 5 1/2 to 6 pounds. It could be also that my due date is off, and this will be a later baby. I have been told by my midwife that from here out protein is my life, I need to eat and drink it! Last week it was my iron intake song and dance, so I have a pretty narrow focus nutritionally. Helps w/meal planning!
JP's loving his new job so far. Sounds like he's doing a good job, a man gave JP an unsolicited complement last night on the paperwork that he does quality work and is professional. Go hubby!
Kids and I have been keeping busy. I'm meal planning today, I just reorganized my freezers, getting ready to make banana and zucchini breads :) Also freezer jam. Been sorting baby clothes (Yea! finally), too, organizing the kids' toys and stuff. What a great morning!
Kids and I spent some time in Seattle at JP's grandparents while he trained for work, we took the kids to the zoo and park, and Liam shadowed his great grandpa the whole time, Grandpa loved it. We're so blessed that our kids are well behaved and we can stay w/grandparents (three days) and not overstay our welcome. Sure takes so much work and effort though! There is no greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for a friend. Parenting, self sacrifice! Sure sounds more romantic than the outworking (and inworking) of it, huh?