Well, we're going on day 10 of snow, wow. JP just got the van up the drive, it was stuck on the street, bless his heart, it's 12:30 am.
The top pic on the last post was Liam's creation, he's getting into legos and using his imagination! Horray! Him and Adelle have also played w/the Christmas village set a lot, too. Adelle's such a cute girl, anything can become "Mommy" and "Daddy". She's going to love her dollhouse this Christmas!
Four pics down are the two on the couch w/their Mickey and Minnie dolls, they're nursing them :) I'm glad they're growing up w/a sense for what's best and how to love a baby. I LOVE nursing my babies. Two weeks ago I got mastitis (again, but first time w/this baby) and my milk supply dropped dramatically, so about 1/2 the time I have to give Eva a bottle. Makes me so grateful for the other 1/2 the time that I can nurse her and give her the benefits of breastmilk.
Liam and Adelle LOVE to dance. Liam is quite the leader, too. What a charmer, he sure makes me melt.
So, we've been in "survival mode" the past two months. Postpardom this time has been more difficult. Then caring for two small, constant children. They are all generally easy, but sure add up, and make for a very demanding day. Parenting is officially "full time", and I feel as though I've been initiated into life! It's hard to get on the comp to write notes and updates, like now I should be sleeping, but I appreciate JP so much I want to wait up for him. I guess he's helping our neighbor get chains on his tires.
Eva's such a joy. She's become quite interactive, overflowing w/joy and smiles. When she's awake it's games of smiling and tickling. And laughing, oh, she's adorable when she laughs. Her sleep schedule is evening out, the first month was a doozer, we did not get much sleep, she preferred the hours between 11pm and 2am.
Well, JP's in now! I'll write more later, got more pics to post of my sweet cheeks Eva and family Christmas photos.