Sunday, January 27, 2008

What a week!

Adelle started teething her canines Wednesday, and an hour before the fever hit from that she jammed her foot and could walk until mid Friday (a toddler who can't toddle is a very frustrated one!) So she's had a snot nose and chewing everything w/a vengance, but this morning she woke up w/puffy, irritated looking eyes, and eye drainage (after a very restless night of sleep). Just figured out that's fluid in the middle ear, so we propped her mattress before bed so fluid will continue to drain properly and no infection will begin. We've had a very cranky, frustrated, tired toddler! What a week. Sure puts some perspective on adding another child to the house, one child setting the normal groove into a spin! Praise God I went grocery shopping Thursday and Friday, the kitchen's a wreck but we do have salad to eat :)

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