Saturday, March 1, 2008

Wow, what a month. I'm doing well, this week was crazy. Catching up on housework. I lean on the low blood sugar end of the spectrum anyway, and pregnancy has me eating even more frequently than I did before, and if my blood sugar's off, I'm not much good because I can't concentrate or think straight. Yesterday I spent two hours after the kids were down leveling it out, and I only had 20 minutes to myself in which I was "sane" until they got up! Wow. I eat (or plan to eat) and entertain children, think and clean when I can. *Ha* I am so thankful I'm not sick, though.

Liam got a new bed, it's a loft bed so he's loving it! So we have Adelle in his old toddler bed, now she has a big girl bed! Wow. She's also doing well w/potty training, well enough to go w/o a diaper around the house. So last night we put the crib away and rearranged their room, wow, two big kid's beds, no baby stuff. This week I also got a double stroller, a sit and stand *Horray!* It's been on my "list" for 1 1/2 years, and worth the wait! Liam loves it, he has a jumpseat. It has tons of storage room, too. It's heavy duty compared to a lot of strollers of it's type, and clean, modern, and sporty (I'm not a plaid w/teddy bears kind of person).

Gonna go start today, we're all up now. Blessings!

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