Friday, February 12, 2010

I've been trying to plan and organize, but life moves at a snail's pace, and I knew this would happen, but it eventually [makes me very aggrevated] :) I am more logical, I realize this is life, it's my life, it's good. Yes, I'm a get it done at once person, but I have to deal w/the brokenness, I've got a family now. But I feel like my time can be so broken it's almost worthless sometimes.

One worth-it moment happened last night, Liam asked, "Mom, will we live forever?" He's been searching answers about this topic, and while has gotten death, hadn't caught on to the "more" yet. So I said yes, and tried to simply expound about dying and then living again in heaven. Liam, who is normally even keel about things, practically jumped out of his carseat, "Wow, Mom, that's such good news! I used to be afraid of dying, but now I'm not!" We referenced a recent family friend who died, and how he's currently in heaven, and Liam took that and understood how we'll see him again, and how someday we'll be together in heaven with God. I cried. What a blessing. We aren't worried about our kids' salvations, we don't offer them this info or try to talk them into saying prayers, and he's only five and is seeking the info, and it's clicking! I'm glad the hard days are worth it.

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