Eva's 3 months now! She is so sweet, so so sweet. And adorable. I know I'm biased, but she gets attention wherever we go. She's my sweet cheeks, and chins, has two of each, she's filling out quite nicely! And she's gotten to keep her hair, unlike my other two babies :) Last night we had family pictures taken, I'll post those in a couple of weeks. They were post-Christmas pics, didn't quite make it in before then!
Have been adjusting to life w/three... I won't lie, it's been a change! I'm so glad, though. Before Eva our home had never seen french fries and chicken nuggets, corn dogs, etc. I didn't really need them, I did OK in the kitchen preparing food. Well, I can relate very well to the rest of you now! Very humbling. I'm finding my new groove in the kitchen dept. Right now I have over the past days prepped what I need to make calzones: bbq ckn and meatball marinera. Dough's in the breadmaker, got my pre-shredded cheese from Costco (actually, I just got a FOOD PROCESSOR, wahoo! It is amazing, so I can shred my own in 5 minutes start to clean up now). I try to keep items like that frozen so JP can take them to work w/him. My kitchen's been clean for three days now, absolutely amazing. I'm still in awe. Sunday I didn't want to do anything because it was too beautiful of a sight. This my friends is an exception to how we've been living, and it's quite pleasant.
I'm trying to get into gear for homeschooling, too. Liam just turned 4 (birthday pics below), and I got to keep that boy busy! I really look forward to getting some land for that boy someday. A friend recommended a book to teach reading, well they have a website w/two downloadable lessons, and links to their math lessons, w/many downloads and worksheets, including four verbal math lessons (that's right). http://www.readinglesson.com/index.htm
Adelle loves the dollhouse we gave her for Christmas. And right now she's sleeping in a party dress (I actually got it for around the house, I love to see her in dresses). She's such a girl, I love having a girl. And she's now getting interested in helping me! Wonderful! I want her to WANT to help me, because she's going to do it either way :) Earlier I noticed it was quiet. I found her in the bathroom cleaning the toilet. "I'm helping, Mom!" Leave it to a child to spur us on to doing the housework we need to do. My floors have been getting cleaner lately, too, by numerous water cup spills.
Today is an exception. I usually don't have this much of a mind or moment to blog or be on Facebook, but it's fun to keep up with you!
In November I had mastitis, my milk supply has been on the low end, but it's working! Through these struggles and supplementing I've taken a closer look at formula, and there's no comparison. Breast milk provides immunity, and is easily digested and bio available to the child. Not to mention the psycological, hormonal nurturing aspects as well. I love those feel good hormones that bond me to my baby! God created a beautiful thing, and even though I have to supplement sometimes, I'm so thankful that I get to nurse my baby at all. I already have visions of more children, I love my babies, and I love nursing them! Fortunately, I have many years to have them, I figured it out, if they were all three years apart, we'd still probably have 8 kids. I look forward to growing old surrounded by family.
One struggle w/Eva has been less sleep. Until the past two weeks, she stayed up late/early! Agh. It's difficult to keep the house moving on little rest and recoup. JP and I'd prettymuch trade off nights staying up and sleeping in. Now she's been on a better schedule/routine :) I think God really wanted me to enjoy her and get to know her. If I'd only had the day time w/her, our precious time together would have been run over by the other kids (they are fun, but as dependent young ones, they are constant and demanding). So we've shared many smiles and much laughter with her, time I wouldn't trade.
All things work together for good to them that love God! (romans 8:28)

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