Well, here's some photos! I've been busy going through thousands (and thousands) of archived photos and editing, whew. There's several photobook offers out there now that I'm motivated to get, and I'm on a time crunch!
So I've spent this past month organizing! Love it! My friend lent me a book about scheduling your days, esp as a homeschooling family, but for anyone. The benefits, how to figure out how much time you need for what and charting it for each member of the house. I didn't think it was my cup of tea, I'm more of a random person, I'm independent and can get it done myself :) Well, not anymore.
Plus, our kids have been demonstrating unthankfulness. So I'm scheduling chores and school and time w/me and time alone for all of us, things we've been doing better in, but now they ask for a movie, and, "It's not on the schedule" or "Why do I have to the the garbage AGAIN?" "It's on the schedule" :) Today Liam got bored, and he's been trying the testing and disrespect button (that is harder to push now, thank you Love and Logic!), so not only did he get spankings (he earned those well, I hope you know, I hate to issue spankings on a 5 yr old), he got to take all my clothes upstairs, too. I told him next time he's bored I'll be sure to motivate him (w/more work). I worked that boy today, he should sleep well. Thank you, Pam, for the chore list for reference for the other days! Next year these kids should be cleaning my house independently of me, they'll be so experienced :)
I've also did some once a month cooking! So thankful! Meal planning in general. This week I'm not feeling too hot so it's hard to cook, I just want veggies and fruits, no dairy or richness. Beans and rice are a plus!
Getting better at deal hunting: found this one on my own: Target, Frosted mini wheats, 4 for $10, $5 gift card back ($1.25/box), then $2 off that w/two coupons. I had 4 coupons, and since I don't use the gift cards for anything special (they just go back into the budget), I got 8 boxes for $10. I also bought Liam Transformer BandAids for $.37 and got money back on rice. The other day at WalMart I bought 4 games for free after coupons! And since Walmart has my almond milk for 2.87/1/2 gal, I got 15- $1 off coupons from couponclippers, so I have a great savings on our milk through June.
We have flowering plum trees all over, and for about 2 weeks a year they're gorgeous (the rest they're a pain)
Liam & Adelle, they're almost like twins sometimes :)
My Eva girl. She's 1 1/2 (almost)!
Adelle Linn, my sweet girl. Well, sweet isn't always the right word, but she's definitely got personality :)
Christmastime :) Kids loved their frosting supply.
Our Space Needle night out w/Mitch & Liz!
So adorable. I think I'll keep them.
So if Eva would let me she'd wear that most every day :)
And this was Liam's last wearing, I think, he's too big. So no more shopping trips, Spiderman, until the next outfit. I even got used to seeing him w/muscles!
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